Fort Lee, Virginia - Polaroids on Post

This Polaroid on Post feature about Fort Lee is from Corrie or as some know her “The Joyful Milspouse”! She and her husband have been married for 8 years and she’s been a milso for 5 of those years. They worked at a Christian camp full time when her husband decided to join at the ripe old age of 29! Five years, four houses, three DITY moves, and two kids later and they don't regret it yet ;) (Thanks high school stabilization) Hopefully this will bring you some helpful insight into Fort Lee. If you have any questions or need a friend in this area, message Corrie anytime on Instagram @ajoyfulmilspouse and check out her website-

Is there anything you wish you knew before heading to Fort Lee?

How beautiful the trees would be (after living in Central Texas for almost four years). How much history you can see and visit!

What is your least favorite and favorite thing about Fort Lee?

My favorite thing is the community I've made. The PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) has been such a welcoming group of women. The turnover at Fort Lee is high because its mostly a training post (Army Logistics University and AIT). But that hasn't stopped them from being so welcoming! My other favorite thing is the playgrounds. There are a lot of playgrounds on post (multiple per street) which makes life with littles a lot easier! Also, it’s attached to a National Park - Petersburg National Battlefield, with miles of trails for walking, biking, hiking, etc.

What is the weather like in Virginia?

When we arrived in 2018 in February is was a mild winter. I think there was one "snow day" that quickly melted (I can't speak to the months between Oct - February). The spring is beautiful with the piney woods coming alive with wild life! Summer is hot and humid, ranging between low 80"s - mid 90"s with humidity. But the tall trees provide a lot of shade!

Did you live on or off post?

In 2018 we lived off post in apartment in Petersburg. Like most posts, the immediate surrounding area isn't easy to find great housing in. Most people currently look in Chester or Prince George if living off post. Currently we live on post and enjoy it a lot. The house itself pretty standard. What we enjoy most is being so close to the splash pad (half a mile), the parks (multiple within a quarter mile), the chapel, PX, Starbucks, gym all within 1.5 miles. It's a small post so if you like that feel and being close to everything you need, its perfect. If that makes you feel stuck definitely look off post. Its about a 25 - 30 minute drive to Richmond.

Point of Rocks Park

What should a newcomer know about the installation itself?

It is a very small post, about a 4 mile loop if you were to run around it and because it is a training post (Army Logistics University and AIT) there are a lot of people walking to the commissary and PX (so drive the speed limit). PT hours are from 5:30-7:30 so check the road closures for PT routes if you go to the gym in the morning. There are multiple gyms: Strength and Performance Center, Mclaughlin, and Clark Gym. All are open to DOD card holders but you must show ID. The library on post is IN the Army Logistics University and there is reserved parking at the front for library users. Make sure to follow the FMWR and the Housing Community Center FB for events like 5ks, the Fourth of July Celebration, Craft Times, etc.

What bloggers or Facebook pages should people follow?

Food & Drinks

Where do you like to go for BRUNCH?

  • Lulus in Richmond - BEST brunch in Richmond! Located downtown near the train station. Red velvet waffles were a hit for the kids but everything is amazing! Eggs benedict, omletes, mimosas etc! Sit on the patio and enjoy!

  • Max's On Broad is a the cutest quaint French restaurant in downtown Richmond! Follow it up with the Art or HIstory museum for a full date morning!

Where is your favorite place to grab a coffee?

Demolition Coffee - order the Sweet Mary, Guncotton Coffee in Hopewell, order the honey oat latte!

Do you have any date night recommendations for other milsos?

Trapezium Tap House and Pizza, Swadders Sports Park if you want to get your go-gart, mini golf game on.

Are there any other restaurants you recommend?

Carytown is where you want to go if you don't have kids! Tons of amazing restaurants, breweries etc. ZZQ Texas Craft BBQ if you like Texas BBQ.

Lulu’s in Richmond

Add it to the Bucket List

What should a milso add to their Fort Lee bucket list?

  1. Richmond Holocaust Museum, Richmond Civil War Museum

  2. Point of Rocks floating bridge / hike

  3. Jamestown Ferry and Museum

  4. Historic Williamsburg

  5. Petersburg National Battlefield

  6. Hopewell Riverwalk at sunset

  7. Pocahontas State Park

  8. Richmond Fine Arts, Science, and History Museums

Are there any surrounding big cities you took weekend trips to?

Richmond, Washinton DC (can take the Amtrak from Richmond or Ashland), VA Beach, Jamestown, Williamsburg

What are some ideas for people with kiddos or families?

There are a lot of playgrounds on post if you simply drive or walk around the neighborhoods. Parks off post that are so fun are the Point of Rocks near Chester, Hopewell Riverwalk and Playground, Park 365 in Richmond. The Fort Lee community center splash pad is great in the summer. Richmond Children's Museum is worth the membership - carrousel inside, splashpad, all the science / hands on activities inside! Richmond Zoo (membership options as well). Colonial Heights and Prince George Libraries have reading programs and story time. Petersburg YMCA is recently renovated and has Olympic pool, swim lessons, camps etc. as well as the Hopewell Community Center.

Other Recommendations

  • For women's health I saw Joan Bennet at Kenner (on post) and was very pleased. I went in to seek a pelvic floor referall and an early mammogram appointment and she listened to my concerns and wrote referrals for both.

  • For pediatrics we saw Dr. Tan at Kenner as well and were very pleased.

If you have questions about this duty station after reading through, feel free to message Corrie on Instagram at @ajoyfulmilspouse

If you’d like to submit a Polaroid on Post, fill out a contact form and i’ll send you the info!